Jukka Oksa
Selected publications in foreign languages



Jukka Oksa: "Thirty Five Years of Uneasy Affair: Triangle of Research, Village, and Policies." Jouko Nikula & Leo Granberg (eds): Talonpoikaisuuden ja post-sosialismin jäljillä – Todellisuuksia tutkimassa Ilkka Alasen seurassa. Traces of peasantry and post-socialism – Researching realities with Ilkka Alanen. Sophi 118, pp. 114 – 131. Tampere 2012. Available also as an e-publication.


Esko Lehto and Jukka Oksa: "Networks for Local Development: Aiming for Visibility, Products and Success." Chapter in the in the book: Comparing Rural Development. Continuity and Change in the Countryside of Western Europe. Edited by Arnar Árnason, Mark Shucksmith and Jo Vergunst. Ashgate 2009, pp. 17-46.


Jukka Oksa: "The structure of man's territorial ties." Reprint from Datutop 3, 1982 with the afterword "On the limitations of the societal sectors and the local". Datutop 30 Remix. Tampere University of Technology. 2008, pp. 60-72.


Jukka Oksa: "How to be rural in the Information Age: The case of rural community network in a Finnish periphery." Ari Antikainen (ed). Transforming a Learning Society. The case of Finland. (The 2nd, expanded edition.) Bern: Peter Lang, 2007. s. 147-162. (Studien zur Erziehungswissenschaft).(The first edition from the year 2005.)


Jukka Oksa: (2006) "Overcoming digital divide. Local lessons about transferring of models." Ari Antikainen; Päivi Harinen and Carlos Alberto Torres (2006, Eds.): In from the Margins. Adult Education, Work and Cicil Society. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2006, pp.327-341


Esko Lehto and Jukka Oksa: The Case of Sotkamo: Social Capital and Important Events in Local Development. Restrim National Report 2003. (as a pdf file)


Jukka Oksa and Jarno Turunen: "Local Community Net as a New Model of Regional Policy in Finland." Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt and Nils Aarsæther (eds.) Transforming the Local - Coping Strategies and Regional Policies. MOST Network. Nord 2001:25. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen 2001, pp. 175-188.

Jukka Oksa: "Local Information Society Initiative and Cohesion - The Case in Northern Karelia." Teoksessa Antti Kasvio, Veera Laitalainen, Hilkka Salonen and Pia Mero (Eds.) People, Cities and the New Information Economy. Materials form an International Conference in Helsinki 14 - 15 December 2000. Palmenia-kustannus. Helsinki 2001. Pp. 226-237.


Jukka Oksa: "Experiences of Information Society Policies in Eastern Finland." Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii Socialno - ekonomicheskoje, duhovnoje i kul'turnoje vozrozhdenije Karelii. Vtoroje Arsen'jenskije chenija. Petrozavodsk 2000, 139-145.


Jukka Oksa: "Agaist or for the Windmills? Changing Explanations for Local Development." Ilkka Eisto, Timo J .Hokkanen, Martin Öhman, Anne Repola (eds.): Local Involvement and Economic Dimensions in Biosphere Reserve Activities. Proceedings of the 3rd Euromab, Biosphere Reserve Coordinator's meeting. Publications of the Academy of Finland 7/99. Academy of Finland, Helsinki 1999, pp. 87-97.

Juha Kotilainen and Jukka Oksa: Socio-economic Baseline Study of the Leningrad Region, the Republic of Karelia and the Murmansk Region. Karelian Institute, University of Joensuu. Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. 29 January 1999. Helsinki.

Heikki Eskelinen, Ilkka Liikanen & Jukka Oksa (eds.) Curtains of Iron and Gold. Reconstructing Borders and Scales of Interaction.Ashgate, U.K. 1999,

Jukka Oksa: "The Changing Border and the Many Images of Karelia." Heikki Eskelinen, Ilkka Liikanen & Jukka Oksa (eds.) Curtains of Iron and Gold. Reconstructing Borders and Scales of Interaction. Ashgate, U.K. 1999, 285-296.


Jukka Oksa: "Conceptual framework of a village." Research group: Markku Tykkyläinen, Eira Varis, Jukka Oksa, Minna Piipponen, Imre Nagy, Éva Kiss, Gyöngyi Mátray: Rural Survival Strategies in Transitional Countries. An introduction to the comparative study of localities in Noprthwestern Russia and Hungary. University of Joensuu. Karelian Institute. Working Papers N:2/1998, pp. 28-37


Jukka Oksa, Pertti Rannikko, Eira Varis: "Sozio-ökonomische Bedeutung der Forstwirtschaft in Russisch Karelen." AFZ Der Wald, 7. Juli 1997, S.747-748


Jevgeni Klementev, Jukka Oksa, Nadezda Polevsikova, Pertti Rannikko, Eira Varis: "Local Impacts of Restructuring. A case study of a forestry settlement". Karelia and St. Petersburg. From Lakeland Interior to European Metropolis. Joensuu University Press 1966, 191-205.

Oksa, Jukka & Pertti Rannikko (1996) "The Changing Meanings of Rurality Challenge Rural Policies". Editorial and a review article. "New Rural Policy" Finnish Journal of Rural Research and Policy. English Supplement 1996, 3-14.


Oksa, Jukka and Saastamoinen, Olli: "Cross-Border Interaction and Emerging Interest Conflicts in the Forest Sector of Russian Karelia." In Margareta Dahlström, Heikki Eskelinen & Ulf Wiberg (eds.): The East-West Interface in the European North. NST, Uppsala 1995, 97-109.

Oksa, Jukka: "Are Leaping Frogs Freezing? Rural Peripheries in Competition." Teoksessa Heikki Eskelinen and Folke Snickars (eds) Competitive peripheries? Springer 1995, 183-204.

Oksa, Jukka: "Remote Rural Areas: Villages on the Northern Margin." In Costis Hadjimichalis and David Sadler (eds.): Europe at the Margins: New Mosaics of Inequality. European Science Foundation, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Sussex, UK, pp. 107-122, 1995.

Oksa, Jukka: "Descendants in information age: telecottage experiments in Finland." In Leo Granberg and Jouko Nikula (eds): The Peasant State. The State and rural questions in 20th century Finland. University of Lapland publications in the social sciences B. 20. Rovaniemi 1995, pp. 149-164.


Oksa, Ju. & P. Rannikko: "Opyt izuchenija sel'skix poselenij" (Maaseutututkimuksen kokemuksista). Karelii smotrjat drug na druga. Materiali rossijsko-finljandskogo metodologicheskogo seminara v g. Petrozavodske 17-19 Maja 1994. Rossijskaja Akademija Nauk. Karel'skij Nauchnij Centr. Otdel ekonomiki. Petrozavodsk 1994, 30-34.

Eskelinen Heikki, Jukka Oksa and Daniel Austin (eds) Russian Karelia in Search of a New Role. Karelian Institute, University of Joensuu. 173 p.

Jukka Oksa and Eira Varis (1994) "Karelian Republic: Population, Settlements and Administration", in Eskelinen Heikki, Jukka Oksa and Daniel Austin (eds) Russian Karelia in Search of a New Role. Karelian Institute, University of Joensuu. Pp. 57-69

Oksa Jukka (1994) "Villages Coping on the North-eastern Margin" In Symes, David and Anton Jansen (eds): Agricultural Restructuring and Rural Change in Europe. Agricultural University, Wageningen 1994, pp. 270-281.


Oksa Jukka (1993) "The benign encounter: the Great Move and the role of the state in Finnish forests." in Tariq Banuri and Frederique Apffel Marglin: Who will Save the forests? Knowledge. Power and Environmental Destruction. The United Nations University, WIDER Publication, ZED Books, London & New Jersey, 1993 p. 114-141.


Oksa Jukka (1992) "Regional and Local Responses to Restructuring in Peripheral Rural Areas in Finland." Urban Studies, Vol. 29 (1992):6, 995-1006.


Oksa, Jukka: New Activities in Rural Areas. Sociologia Ruralis, Vol. XXXI(1991):1, 9-16. Van Corgum. The Netherlands 1991.

Oksa, Jukka: "New Activities in Rural Areas." In Pauli Tapani Karjalainen & Perttu Vartiainen (red): Europa förändras - förändras geografin? University of Joensuu, Human Geography and Planning, Occasional Papers N:o 19, 377-390. Joensuu 1991.

Updated 6 November 2012 -jo